ocr: User 0L:0L - - dSER By Kei/GyberUreans IFs Later at night, Iwantito getinside your head, AndIcan't help feeling, AP penny for. your thoughts. That_it wasnt right, I'nsorry for all Ive_said. Ta.sive-souhszhead. could-leave and you wouldn'H know, It was false pretenses, Id-bergone and you-d be atoner wanted youp Butr . I decide tostayr You needed soMeone tor tover Someday you'tt Make Me pay, Lcan'Ehelp, feeling, End. That_by using_you, TUlose you, These- thoughts go-on through he me OISDAL night intensity TossTng) andi turming, But never Letting you out ofnysight. HUSIG HELP FIRET - I Hili5 FRIN ...